I certainly wish to be fair to Dr. Mitchell; I do believe he is an extremely smart person, a great scientist and somewhat of a hero but a man is more than one thing he participated in, he is the sum of his wasted endeavours and crazy ramblings. Born in 1930, he was an incredible man who obtained a bachelor of science degree in industrial management, another Bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of science degree in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT. He did this all within 10 years and while in the United-States Navy no less. He achieved immortality in 1971 when he left earth abord Apollo 14 and became the sixth man of 12 to ever walk on the moon. He retired from the Navy and NASA shortly after and then we began learning about the darkness behing the genius.
Firstly, he admitted during an interview that he attempted ESP communication with earth friends during his space mission, recording the unsuccessful data. Later, he wrote a book entitled ‘The Way of the Explorer’ in which he claimed that high-ranking officials in the US Army and eye-witnesses on site (none of which are named) personally told him about the Roswell crash of a space saucer and the recovery of several beings from another planet. Finally, he claimes that a young Vancouver boy named Adam Dreamhealer faith-healed his renal cancer in the early 2000s. The important thing to take away from this is that he personally has never seen any evidence of any paranormal phenomena and therefore, astronaut or not, he has no more credibility in this field than the other crazies. A further realisation to take away from this is that Dr. Edgar Mitchell seems to be bat-s*** crazy.
To be somewhat impartial, but rational, I must expose the events of Roswell, what the US gouvernment has said and admitted and what the crazies have deduced in return. It was July 1947 when the Air Field in Roswell, New Mexico, annouced they recovered a crashed ‘flying disk’. A later conference specified that the disc was a common weather balloon and pictures and samples passed out to the media confirmed this. At this point, the crazies may bring up the famous testimony of farmer William Brazel whom recovered some of the crash site, proving it was alien. Indeed, he found ‘rubber strips, tinfoil, and rather tough paper and sticks.’ Even more strange and outworldly, the next day he found ‘more patches of tinfoil and rubber.’ Finally, we were not alone in the universe, others have travelled hundreds of lightyears, defying the known laws of physic themselves and they did it with materials from Home Depot. Brazel’s account is actually true, there exists military record of his find and pictures including him and the contraption that he rebuilt from the debris. It was balloon-shaped, metallic-coloured and boasted a consipicuous absence of alien blood.
Sarcasm aside (if I must), there was a military cover-up. In 1997, a declassified report announced that the crashed craft in 1947 was a balloon but it was in fact part of a secret project called ‘Mogul’. This balloon was meant to detect sound-waves caused by Soviet atomic testing. Considering the US had used such a weapon in 1945, the USSR didn’t have it yet and the whole world had just come out of war, this is an extremely plausible explanation. On the other hand, crazies claim the existance of a massive cover-up in which the evidence of thousands of UFOs has been hidden for 60 years. To support this outlandish claim (pun intended), they seem to have no concrete evidence whatsoever that EVER showed up in the hands of the media. Take a moment to slowly understand that such a thing was not possible in the 80s and 90s, nevermind up until 2009 with internet technology and social networking sites.
Given these circumstances, big gouvernment and their plausible deniability wins whereas the crazies and their speculation lose. To close the matter, I will use Dr. Mitchell’s own words against him. He claimed that witnesses in Roswell came to him with their story because « they wanted to tell somebody reliable ». He was such a person, an eminent scientist and astronaut. Well, NASA represents hundreds of such people and declared today, following Mitchell’s announcement, ‘NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else – period.’
There it is, case closed, get back to work.
(Pictured: These 1947 newspaper headlines didn't cause trouble until 1978; fiction writers began the hysteria and lined their pockets - Dr. Edgar Mitchell -- Oh, and while we're at it, Bigfoot is a man in a suit and the Loch Ness Monster is a piece of wood and playdoh.)
(Disclaimer : I do not confirm or deny that I have received a cheque for writing this blog from the Internet speci
1 comment:
You are absolutely stunning jon! Your articles are amazing and very interesting! i love reading your work! Keep it up, im waiting for the next one. love your sis tanya
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